Digital Doors was created as a place for me to blog and share resources that I think would be helpful for teachers integrating technology in meaningful ways in their classroom. My goal would be to write a blog post a week, but with my busy schedule, that doesn't happen. I write when I can and rely on nifty tools to help me share what I am finding when I don't have time to write.

Friday, October 23, 2009

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Vision for Technology

This week in our District Tech Meeting, I asked members of the team to share their vision for tech in the Mount Vernon School district. I asked them to share "Twitter Style' using 140 characters or less. I was excited to hear the great insite from the committee. We have a long way to go, but we do have hope and a vision. I took their responses and created a Wordle. This will be a great conversation starter at our next meeting as we look at how the words were weighted and determine what our focus and priorities should be.

  • My vision is equal access to technology for all students and staff.
  • Pervasive, extended access to knowledge and learning tools that enhance a person's life choices.
  • My vision for tech is for all students to have access to computes. In addition, all students get to learn and use at least, basic applications: Microsoft, Internet, Photo, Adobe, etc.
  • All students no matter age, grade or ability level have access and ability to use technology. All teachers have the same.
  • Equal opportunity and access for all.
  • Non duplicated one stop shopping connecting all students, parents and staff.
  • Freedom, Fast, Friendly, Functional, Fun
  • Tech used to collect, connect, create, collaborate, communicate and solve real world problems.
  • Equitable access to transformational learning tools equals student engagement and success in school and life.
  • Staff and students doing cool, new, global, rigorous, or unique things with technology. Possibilities are endless!
  • Technology is a seamless aspect of teaching and learning, just like pen and paper are now. The world becomes our students limitless classroom.
  • An ever expanding gateway to 24 hour engagement, discovery and learning.
  • Technology considered an essential learning and teaching tool.
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