NECC: Convene, Connect, Transform
Things are gearing up for one of the biggest EdTech events of the year. NECC in San Antonio. I have been following the build up on both Twitter and the NECC2008 Ning. This is my second time to attend NECC. The last time, it was just down the road in Seattle, so even though it was a BIG event, it felt more like a local event. But I think that there is more to it than that. The last time I went to NECC, I went very anonymously. I attended the Keynotes, went to sessions, and was overwhelmed with the exhibits. I learned lots and had a great time. But this time, it’s different. I am not going anonymously. I will be connecting with DEN members I have met before and DEN members I have yet to meet, but we have actually collaborated on class projects together. In addition to all my DEN friends, I will also be connecting with the many other EdTech people who are part of my PLN on Twitter. I am a part of a wonderful learning community. I’ve been following my Tweets as they have planned their San Antonio adventure since they starting booking their travel last October! They all seem as excited as I am. The excitement is definitely around the community more than the content of the conference. I will be going to NECC to not only see the latest and greatest resources, but I will be getting to meet face to face, people I feel I already know because we have joined a community of educators who are passionate about kids, teaching, learning and engaging students in innovative ways. I have to admit, that this is a little weird for me. I’m not much of a social animal. I am much more comfortable behind a computer than I am sharing ideas at an evening social. But it is a great stretch for me. My DEN family are among the very best, well worth the stretch. My plan is to blog each night from NECC. Hopefully, I will be able to do this. I know that I am going to be totally overwhelmed with all the great new ideas and inspiring people that I will meet. I am looking forward to the big DEN Pre-Conference Event on Sunday. Can’t wait to find out what DEN has in store for us out on the ranch. We will be spending the day at Enchanted Springs Ranch in Boerne. We were told we didn’t need laptops but that we should wear good shoes. Hmm??? Let the adventures begin! I look forward to seeing many of you in San Antonio and I will be pleased to share my learning for those of you not going to this year’s NECC. Pin It Now!
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