January 17, 2011
Digital Literacy Workshop Monday, January 24, 2011 Digital Mapping Tools Across the Curriculum. Upcoming Digital Literacy Workshop: Monday, February 7, 2011 Google Tools See a schedule for the year. Open Lab: 2:30 - 5:00 Resource Instruction: 3:15 - 4:00 Monday Afternoons, District Office Tech Lab. Clock Hours are available. Links to Explore Podcast Resources: Speakaboos.com : This site has lots of popular children’s books read by famous people. In addition, there are lesson plans, activities and games. 2day.sweetsearch.com : An aggregated news pages just for elementary students. funbrain.com: Lots of games and activities to practice skills in Math and Literacy. Smart Exchange: Shared ideas and resources for using Interactive Whiteboards in the classroom. SurveyMonkey : A free survey tool. LiveBinders.com: Create online tabbed binders to organize your materials. Elementary Independent Web Activities : A list of resources for elementary students using Thin clients. Cooperative Learning Resources : Resources for creating rubrics, online collaborative tools and project ideas. Powerful Learning; Article sited in this blog about cooperative learning. Animoto: Create your own music videos. | With a Little Help From My Friends The last 2 weeks, I have been busy attending and leading workshops on High Yield Strategies. Working with Heather Shainin and the Secondary High Yield Strategies group we had some great discussions about formative assessment and feedback. The elementary group was working on Cooperative Learning Strategies. The plan had been for me to work with Tatiana Gabriel and the ELL Coaches on the follow up training after a day with our Teachscape trainer, Judy Martin. Unfortunately, Tatiana became ill and we had to change plans pretty quickly. With one day to plan, I worked with Tatiana’s presentation and contacted the ELL Facilitators to come up with a plan. The emails were flying as we worked to plan for our day of training. Together we made it work. This was more of a collaborative, than cooperative effort, but it was a great example of how we learn better, when we learn together and from each other. This type of purposeful activity based learning is very powerful Studies show that active-learning practices have a more significant impact on student performance than any other variable, including student background and prior achievement. Here is an article sharing more about the power of this active learning for students. In the spirit of the collaborative efforts of my colleagues this week, I worked collaboratively with the Digital Literacy Coaches to create and produce our second episode of our Digital Literacy News Podcast. Be sure to listen to through to the end to hear the amazing talent represented by our capable coaches. To listen to the podcast, click on the arrow button and wait for podcast to load. Then click on arrow button again to play. Video of the Week Learning From Mistakes I’ve shared TED Talks before. But I am really excited about this TED talk from a friend I have followed in my Professional Learning Network for several years. Diana Laufenberg is an amazing teacher at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia. Tech Triumphs I had the opportunity to visit with our Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Grant Recipients Cadre One on Friday. This group is working together to build effective models for 21 Century skills using best teaching practices such as Marzano’s High Yield Teaching Strategies. It is interesting to hear how they incorporating effective technology in thier classrooms, but realize that this is only part of the picture. It is not about the tech, it is about the teaching. Digital Citizenship The Best Internet Safety Sites This week’s resource is actually a site with several resources about teaching Internet Safety to students. |
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