Digital Doors was created as a place for me to blog and share resources that I think would be helpful for teachers integrating technology in meaningful ways in their classroom. My goal would be to write a blog post a week, but with my busy schedule, that doesn't happen. I write when I can and rely on nifty tools to help me share what I am finding when I don't have time to write.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

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NCCE 2010

This year Mount Vernon was able to send over 25 teachers to the Northwest Council for Computer Education in Seattle. I love this conference because although you will find your techs, nerds and geeks like me at the conference, the real common thread is not technology, but innovation and creativity. It is so exciting to see what innovative and creative teachers are doing to engage students in learning throughout our region. I always get lots of great ideas and learn lots from others. Before we left for the conference, most of the Mount Vernon attendees met and came up with a plan for communicating and sharing both at the conference and beyond. We created a collaborative presentation that we could add to throughout the conference. We also created a collaborative Google Doc for note taking and a Twitter account for sharing with others. These tools were both for communicating and for learning how to use these tools for collaboration. Some of us used the tools differently than others, but we were all learning and exploring. It was exciting to talk with others and find out all the great things that they had learned and how they were going to use what they learned in their classrooms.

It is funny how this conference has evolved for me. When I first started going to NCCE, I would just sit back and soak it in. Now when I go to the conference, I find that the highlight is connecting with others who I have collaborated with online throughout the year. This year, I also found myself going to watch presenters, not necessarily to learn something new, but to learn how to be a better presenter myself. Lots to learn at NCCE on many different levels. Pin It Now!

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