Mount Vernon Digital Literacy News
April 22, 2011
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April 22, 2011
Digital Literacy Workshop Monday, April 25 Creative and Efficient Ways to Use Google Spreadsheets Forms : I will give an introduction to how Google Spreadsheets and Forms works and then we will explore lots of great ways to use them as an educator. See a schedule for the year. Open Lab: 2:30 - 5:00 Resource Instruction: 3:15 - 4:00 Monday Afternoons, District Office Tech Lab. Clock Hours are available. Links to Explore Carbon Footprint Calculators: Zero Footprint Kids Calculator Consumer Consequences Footprint Network MyFootPrint Games about the Environment: ToxMystery Environmental Intelligence Unit EEko World The Power of Green Big Picture Planet Environmental Mysteries in Peril | Happy Earth Day! Since today is in fact, Earth Day, I am a little late at sharing a blog with resources for Earth Day. I have to admit, I’ve been in a bit of a sleep deprived state caring for one of the earth’s newest little critters lately. Meet our latest addition, Holden Thornburgh. But, as they say, every day is Earth Day, so it is never too late to celebrate and help our students appreciate the beauty and abundance of our earth and learn about their impact and responsibility for caring for our planet. The best way to celebrate our Earth, is definitely, not sitting behind a computer screen. My hope for all of us, especially our students, is more opportunities to get out and explore in real time, the wonders of the earth. But since I’ve yet to figure out how Ms. Frizzle makes that Magic School Bus fly to the most amazing places, we can use technology as a way to explore worlds otherwise not accessible. The more we see, know and experience, the more we care. Last week we talked about the 21st Century Skill of Collaboration. This theme of working together is very powerful when helping students to understand global ideas. By working with others in other areas, students gain a better understanding of how things fit together and how actions or conditions in one part of the world can greatly effect actions and conditions in other parts of the world. Many collaborative projects exist to help students better understand the big picture. Students track migration of animals and add to collaborative maps. Students plant and record data on when daffodils bloom in their area. Students hold video conferences to brainstorm ideas for solving real world problems. The list goes on and on about how connecting students, connects them to the world around them. I am currently exploring a neat activity on Google Earth. Students “travel” to different bodies of water and then look at historical satellite shots to see how the bodies of water are beginning to disappear. Students use their observations and research to determine impact and brainstorm solutions. For Mount Vernon teachers and other teachers with access to, this is one of the project based activities listed. This would be a great way to explore real world problems while learning valuable technology, geography and research skills. Check out some of the links to explore on the left for more ideas for helping students explore environmental issues. Video of the Week In honor of Earth Day, here is an interesting talk by Chris Jordan on Picturing Excess. Tech Triumphs Kudos to Heather Kendregan one of our ETAs. Heather is does an incredible job of researching new technology and resources and brainstorming. Her forward thinking and preparation are a great example of how our tech team works behind the scenes to try to help us have the best tools and resources for the job. Digital Citizenship The Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship: Lots of information about the different aspects of Digital Citizenship. |
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