Digital Literacy Workshop Monday, November 15: No Digital Literacy Workshop this week. Upcoming Digital Literacy Workshop: Monday, Nov 22 Organizing Resources Online : Using tools such as LiveBinder and ShareTab, you can create great lists of resources to share with students. Note: There will be no Digital Literacy Workshop on November 15th or 29th due to time conflicts. See a schedule for the year. Open Lab: 2:30 - 5:00 Resource Instruction: 3:15 - 4:00 Monday Afternoons, District Office Tech Lab. Clock Hours are available. Links to Explore Put in a url and check on the readability of a web site. Social Studies Videos: Step by step videos for teaching American History Ted Talks for Teaching Glogster : A glogster with some other great Ted Talks like the one I shared from Dan Meyer this week. Dan Meyers Blog: Lots of interesting math problems. The Differentiator: Interesting idea based on Blooms Taxonomy. | What’s in my Google Reader? One of my favorite time saver, management tools is Google Reader. Google Reader is a tool for aggregating feeds from all of your favorite blogs, websites, podcasts and more. When I run across a helpful blog or resource, I subscribe to it and add it to my Google Reader. This way, it is a one stop shop when I go looking for what is new from the sites I am most interested in. Most of the sites in my Google Reader are education oriented, I also follow some photography blogs since that is a hobby of mine and I am updated when some of my favorite podcasts are posted. You can also get calendar feeds, Twitter and Facebook feeds etc. I try to stick mainly to blogs so I don’t go into information overload. Even with just keeping up with my favorite blogs, I often find myself with 200- 300 blog posts waiting for me in my Reader. YIPES! Now how could THAT be a time saver you ask? Well, I probably SHOULD weed down my list a bit, but it is really time saving to just go to one place to find all this new information. I go to view unread and start with the latest. I skim and hit next as I move through the list. If I find something that I want to keep or share, I save it to my Diigo account. (Social Bookmarking Site.) I then am able to share all the wonderful resources I find with you my faithful readers. I follow different blogs for different reasons. Some blogs challenge me with different ways of thinking and new ideas. Some share the latest research. Some share practical ideas and resources. Some just inspire me as a teacher. So what is in my reader? Here are a few of the sites I follow on a regular basis. Challenge Me: Webblogg-Ed Will Richardson is an educator with many innovative ideas about education and the use of technology in education. He is not happy with the status quo and besides sharing great ideas and inspiring stories, he asks great questions that really get me thinking. Inspiration: Organized Chaos This primary special ed teacher in the D.C. area has such a beautiful and entertaining way of sharing her experiences with her students. Teacher to Teacher Practical Ideas: A Geeky Momma’s Blog Lee Kolbert is a teacher turned tech specialist, turned back to teacher who blogs about education, student projects and resources. It is always great to see student examples and ideas from people in the trenches. Resources: FreeTech4Teachers Richard Byrne evaluates and shares great tools for teachers each week on his blog. I share lots of what I find on his site with you. Make Me Laugh: Principal’s Page Michael Smith is an administrator who has a great way of looking at the world of eduction. Video of the Week Dan Meyer TedTalk on Math Tech Triumphs Speaking of blogs worth reading. Tim Hornbacher at Mount Vernon High School has started a blog to share tech tools and resources he finds online. Tim is a faithful attendee at Digital Literacy Workshops. He comes to the open lab time and he always has great stuff to share with me. Hopefully I have some good stuff to share with him as well. Check out his new blog and perhaps leave a comment. Digital Citizenship Here is a neat teacher created PSA about learning with children online. x |
Digital Doors was created as a place for me to blog and share resources that I think would be helpful for teachers integrating technology in meaningful ways in their classroom. My goal would be to write a blog post a week, but with my busy schedule, that doesn't happen. I write when I can and rely on nifty tools to help me share what I am finding when I don't have time to write.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Digital Literacy News 11-12-10
"dan meyer",
"google reader",
"online safety",
"social studies",
"Tim Hornbacher",
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1 comment:
Thanks for the shout-out, Martha. I'm honored and humbled to be listed with the other folks who consistently, and transparently, strive to affect education reform. Love your blog!
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