Jason Ohler's Resources on Digital Citizenship -
A place to create stories online. -
Places to get Royalty Free Photos -
Royalty free clipart -
A fun look at Tech and Social Media -
Great interactive site for Art -
Using MovieMaker, Green Screen and more together as a Mashup -
Create colorful pie charts. -
Blog that highlights different infographics found on the web. -
Compile info from online to create a newspaper. -
Bloom's Taxonomy with Tech Applications -
Many historic moments captured on video. -
Many different sites for video that may not be blocked by schools. -
Safety videos -
Create movies, reminds me of xtranormal, can also use your own photos and youtube videos with MotionFX -
free tutorials for tech help -
List of websites for beginning readers. -
- Create Games and other Fun Applications - Sharendipity
Great video about the life of a plastic bag. Could be used in Science, Language Arts and environmental studies. -
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here. Pin It Now!
It is possible that you already know about DropBox and that you have previously blogged about it, but I thought I'd share this information with you just in case you are interested. A friend of mine, who is currently a high school teacher in Arizona, introduced me to a new, helpful tool called DropBox. It is a simple way to not need to email yourself files or carry a flashdrive and still be able to access your files from more than one computer. You can find it at dropbox.com.
Thanks for sharing about Dropbox. I have tried it and it is a great resource. I also really like Drop.io, a similar service, but not quite as automatic as Dropbox.
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